Thursday, February 24, 2011

KLR like a sail in the wind!

OK, so it was windy.  It was a warmish day so I really wanted to get out for a ride.  I rode about an hour on back roads outside of Blacksburg.  I was getting blown around pretty bad, but I was handling it just fine freak outs problems.

Then I went though a area that was nothing but meadows trees, houses, elephants, etc.  Nothing to block the wind.  I was going about 55 on a winding two lane road.  I felt the wind coming hard from my right.  I leaned hard into the wind.  Figured I'd be fine.  But the wind kept coming.  It was incredible. 

I was leaning as hard as I could into the wind, steering as best I could to the right to stay in my lane.  Then I began to move sideways.  It honestly felt like I was floating to the left.  I was leaning so hard I thought my tires might come out from under me and was still sliding to the left ...straight into the oncoming lane ...into the middle of it.  I thought for a moment I would get blown off the left hand side of the road.  If a car would have been coming I would have had to bail into the ditch on the left side because I couldn't get back to my lane. 

It probably only lasted two or three seconds, but man what a scary two or three seconds!  I went on the KLR forum and posted my experience.  Quite a few people posted that it had happened to them as well.  Apparently it's not that uncommon with motorcycles and the KLR being pretty tall catches the wind like a sail. 

It was a great leaning experience.  Now I know that it can happen and can be a little more careful in the wind next time.  It was also good to hear that I am not alone in the experience.

Every ride is an adventure!  That's the way I like it...