Sunday, January 30, 2011

Win Win

Two wins today:

First, I rotated my new shifter up one notch and loosened the ankle buckle on my new boots and low and behold I could shift gears almost perfectly ...I'd say about 85% perfect and the rest will come with time.  Very happy about that.

Second, I spent about 15 minutes on the highway today and felt amazingly comfortable.  I would say totally comfortable at 55, and pretty comfortable at 65.  This is a big improvement.  It's the first time I have enjoyed being on the highway instead of just bearing it ...and it was pretty windy, I was getting blown around pretty good, but it just didn't seem to bother me today.  It hit me when I realized that I was loose, as in I wasn't holding all of my muscles tight with fear.  It was nice.

Win Win Today.

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