Friday, March 11, 2011

The TAT is on!

Today I ordered all of the maps for the Trans American Trail  ...I also ordered Garmin City Navigator for my GPS.  I guess that means I'm going!  It's a little scary thinking of embarking on a 5000 mile solo off road trip.  Well, not off road, but on dirt roads mostly.  Still, it will be quite an adventure.  The funny thing is I can't remember how I even heard about the TAT.  I know my wife and I watched The Long Way Round and I guess after that I just started poking around on the Internet.  Next thing ya know I'm talking about taking a 5000 mile trip on a motorcycle ...that I didn't even own yet.  That's me though.

Now I have to get my KLR 650 ready to go.  It's amazing how much there is out there that you can spend money on ...farkles they call it ...or farkels  ...not real sure about that one.  So, with money being by far my biggest issue, I have to decide what I really need and what would be sweet, but no so much necessary.  Skid plate.  Definitely want a good skid plate.  The KLR comes with a plastic one, which probably isn't bad, but come on ...plastic?  I already have some waterproof fuses from the guy I bought the bike from ...I just need to install them.  It also came with some "off road" lights that I think I will install.  Why not.  I already have them.

Really the bike came quite upgraded from the previous owner.  So, I really don't have to do any major mods to the bike, which is nice.  I did have to lower it because it was crazy tall.

Mainly, I just have to plan, get my GPS coordinates in, then hit the road and take it one day at a time.  I will try to keep this blog going during the trip to document the whole thing.  That's all for now!

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