Thursday, March 17, 2011

The TAT maps arrived.

The Trans-America Trail maps and roll charts arrived today!  It's very exciting and kinda nauseating at the same time.  Exciting because it's the first concrete thing that says "You're going on a 5000 mile off road motorcycle trip!" ...and nauseating because it says "You're going on a 5000 mile off road motorcycle trip!"

What have I gotten myself into?  Most folks don't go solo ...I'm going solo.  Most folks go in August ...I'm going in May, which means I just might get cold and there will not likely be any others out on the trail when I am on it.

On the other hand, what guy hasn't at least dreamed a little about a epic cross county motorcycle trip.  While it would be great to be a full time adventure traveler, it's just not in the cards for me.  So, this will truly be a once in a lifetime trip.  A trip to clear my middle aged head ...and that's really what this trip is all about, taking a break from things to get a little perspective on life at mid-life.  I think a month alone on a motorcycle in some pretty desolate places should do it!

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