Monday, May 9, 2011

100 Mile Shakedown Ride

That's me on my shakedown ride.  I rode about 100 miles and about half of that on dirt roads ...that have gotten very rutted over the winter! Nine days until I hit the trail!!

I packed the KLR as closely as I could to how I will pack it for the Trans America Trail ride: clothes, tools, tent, sleeping bag and pad, and even a little food (not much ...just a snack for the ride really).  I figured I needed to do some miles on the new tires, the new oil change, and fully packed.

That's the bike fully packed: Hard tail case, soft saddlebags, soft "nerf bar" bags up front, two dry bags (one with clothes, one with camping stuff), and a camp chair.   That's it.  Hope that's enough for a 5000 mile dirt ride!  Everything I read says people tend to bring too much.  So, I am trying to keep my load down.

It rode really well.  I could not even tell it was packed.  It just rode like it always does.  In fact it felt better today.  Maybe that's the new tires ...not sure.  Anyway, quite a successful shakedown ride.  Nothing fell off, nothing blew up, no major problems, no minor problems.

I am definitely going to be hot though.  Even with all my vents on my pants and jacket open, it was a little hot today  ...and it going to get WAY hotter on the trail in Nevada for instance.  That's all for now.  More updates later!


  1. You absolutely need to take some snacks with you!!!!!!!
    You might want to take a couple of civillian MRE units with you just in case you need them in a critical situation, they might save your life.

  2. Oh, I definitely will have snacks and food with me at all times. I do not enjoy going without food!

  3. Wow! I know you are getting excited! Can't wait for the updates on the road.

  4. Nice bike! What's the combined weight for both tires? Tires Miami
