Thursday, May 5, 2011

Maps, Maps, Maps eyes hurt from Maps!

  See the purple line with the black dots?  That's my route. It's also marked on the paper map.  I am entering the GPS track by hand.  To do this I basically highlight the road that I want to travel on by clicking each point which leaves the purple line behind it connected to the last point.  Point click.  Point click.  Point click.  Look at the paper map.  Point click ...and so on for 5000 miles!

So far, I have made it into Utah.  It's taken HOURS of pointing and clicking to get me to Utah.  Now I just have to make it to Oregon ...point click, point click!


  1. Ken, my treasured, cherished friend. Please tell me that you're a helmet wearer. If you aren't, email me and I'll tell you all about Ann (Kemp) Steilberg's husband who hit a pothole on his bicycle on Easter Sunday and who is now 1) lucky to be alive and 2) beginning a very long recovery which includes speech therapy, not working for at least 4 weeks, a neurologist, a neurosurgeon, and a new haircut because of the craniotomy to relieve the bleeding in his brain. Ok, dramatic, I know, but true, and if you are a helmet-wearer, then I can breathe easy...just keep it on. And if you're not, maybe this'll serve as a good enough reason for you. Be careful. Besides, Ginger is planning your trip to Paris! :)

  2. Gina, Yep, definitely a helmet wearer. In fact I'm a ATGATT rider. That's All The Gear All The Time. Helmet, protective jacket, gloves, boots, protective pants ...I will be pretty wrapped up. Thank you for your concern about my melon though, your the best!

  3. Oh geez, helmet or no helmet that story makes my heart sink!! Please be careful.

  4. Actaully, the reason Ken and I went bald is that we are helmet wearers from way back. Oh, we'd just wear helmets anywhere...biking, riding motor cycles, swimming, going out to Mama Jean's... Over time, it just wore the hair right off our heads. Of course, it could have been those home made helmets we wore. I hear the store bought ones have padding on the inside and everything.

  5. Ken...yay! So glad to hear it.
    Ginger...I know, isn't it just awful? (He's doing great though, all things considered.) are TOO funny! :)
