Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The case of the flying case.

See that case behind my bike?  It came with the bike but I had not been using it.  Today I thought it might come in handy.  I could put some of my colder weather stuff in there ...my camera ....tripod too.

I couldn't have been happier that I had it.  About a mile into the forest service road I was getting pretty cold because the trees were blocking the sun ...brrr.  But, hey, I have my winter gloves and a balaclava in my case ,...my little trunk.

Stopped.  Dismounted.  Turned.  Reached.  Cussed.

It was gone!  Like gone!  It was nowhere in sight and it was most definitely not on my bike.  I remember reading in a forum about a guy loosing his trunk ...talked about it being plastic and never hearing it hit the road.  What a schmuck!  Who could lose a ...trunk?  Err ... me.

I got to thinking.  I do that in these situations.  I got to thinking that I was going about 45mph for a while on the gravel road.  If it fell off then it could be ANYWHERE!  Look how round that sucker it.  I really thought it might be gone ..really gone.  Like so far off the road that only the squirrel, skunks, and deer would see it.

Turned around.  Putt Putted.  Standing up.  Looking around.  Still Cussing.

About a half mile back I found it sitting on the side of the road all neat like.  There was a truck behind me when I came in.  They probably set it there ...giggling.  Nice gigglers though.  They could have jacked it, camera and all.  Nice gigglers.

I would love to say that was that.  But that was not that.  The lock mechanism in the trunk was broken.  I only had one little strap.  I did the best I could to secure it on to the bike.  I kept reaching back to touch it while I was riding to make sure it was still there.  I passed a different truck going the opposite way.  I could have sworn the people inside were giggling ..just a little.  Bizarre.

I stopped again.  This time to mess with my ipod that I listen to once I'm on the dirt road.  Turned to my left ...no trunk!!!!  Turned to my right and there it was hanging off the side of my bike from the strap.

What to do now?  I didn't want to cut my trip short.  I knew the thing wasn't going to stay on with one strap ...and I only had one short strap.

Needed a solution.  Had a belt.  Took it off.  Little more cussing.


Then I had a really good ride, got a little lost, felt like I was 14 again.
Anyone remember my Kawasaki KD 80?
I do.