Monday, November 29, 2010

Always an Adventure

When the sun hit the tops of the trees.  That's how we knew when it was time to head home.  We'd usually been riding since we got off the school bus.  We rode for hours.  It was great.  I can remember many times coming home with wind chapped faces and hands numb from the cold.  Not that winter was long.  This was eastern North Cacalacky.  But we rode no matter what.  It was always an adventure.  It was 1980.

My fingers were numb again.  I just had not dressed for the cold.  It didn't seem that cold when I left home.  I mean cold, but not numb fingers cold.  Once I got up to Mountain Lake and in the shade of the trees... brrr.  It was getting late in the day and I decided to cut my trip a little short and get home so I could warm up, which by the way took a hot bath and hot chocolate just to get me back to near normal ...I was still cold.  To add a littel adventure to the trip, apparently the fuse for my headlight and tail light blew.  No headlight.  No tail light.  Turn signals worked fine as did the brake light.  The sun was at the top of the trees and setting fast.  It was a little nerve racking as I rode the 20 minutes of highway feeling very invisible in the dusk of sunset without lights and not feeling my fingers anymore.  It is always an adventure.  It was 2010 was yesterday.

It's a little hard to see, but that's a frozen puddle.  The first ice I have seen this season.  I knew it was cold, but I was pretty surprised to see all the frozen puddles.

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