Saturday, December 4, 2010

Ken and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance ...and blogging.

This started out as simply Ken and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. ...and it was going swimmingly.  Typed a good bit.  Read it over.  Sounded OK.  Wouldn't save.  Crapola.  Continued to not save.  Had to bail and start again.  Makes me so happy happy.

My headlight and tail light were out per my previous post.  I wasn't getting far on my own, so I enlisted the help of my peeps at  I must say, they are quite helpful, and pretty polite, even if you ask dumb questions.

Anyway, today it was in the 20's ...and no, I do not have a garage (damn it!).  So, there I stood drinking hot chocolate trying to maintain some semblance of warmth as I took various parts of my motorcycle off. Side panels   Seat  Fairing  Thing around the headlight  Thing under the instrument panel  Bright light switch

I was informed under the seat I would find two fuses.  Checked them ...fine.  I was advised to check the connections ...fine.  I was advised to check the switches ...fine, ...I think.  I was advised to trace the wiring from battery to the lights ...what?  Use the diagram from Bigcee ...don't know if things are fine because to me it looked like colored spaghetti.

(wife just called me to dinner ...fine)

OK, just finished dinner and a movie.  Back to the story.  It started snowing.

So, I packed up all my stuff, put the cover on and came inside.  I figured I'd call Greg, the guy I bought the bike from.  Maybe he would have a clue for me ...he did ...a big clue.  Turns out the two fuses that I checked were not THE two fuses that one is supposed to find under the seat (who knew?).  Apparently the two fuses that I checked were added by Greg for other stuff ...GPS and whatnot.

So, out in the snow, I found THE two fuses blown of course.  Mystery solved.  As a bonus I learned a little about my bike, how to take it somewhat apart, and where the stinking fuses are. A good day all in all.  Oh yeah, we got out Christmas tree today.

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