Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ice 2, Ken 0

I think it was Josh's idea.  There we were in front of the Safeway.  In front of us a sheet of ice where the parking lot had frozen.  A rare find in Rocky Mount, NC.  I figure we were about 14.  Our goal: to see if it was possible to ride a bike on a sheet of ice.  Verdict: Nope.

At 14 I pretty much could do anything I tried.  I was a skinny kid, but fast, strong, and bullet proof.  I think I lasted about 2 seconds ...and I went down hard!  I figured that would be the last time I tried to ride on ice with only two wheels.  Turns out I was wrong.  But I did wait 29 years ...that's pretty good, huh?

I wanted to test my cold weather gear today.  I had my new boots (which I am slowly getting used to.), a new pair of insulated coveralls (the kind people work in), and my new jacket (a rock'n Tourmaster Transition 2).  They worked beautifully, never got cold at all.  I figured I would ride out to the forest service road behind Pondapas Pond and practice shifting with my new boots.  I read online that everyone struggles when they first start riding with stiffer boots.   It definitely is not easy for me.

What I did not expect was to find sheets of ice on the forest service road ...but, none-the-less there they were.  At first I was in denial about it.  I figure there was enough gravel for me to get traction on.  But, the further I went the more icy the road became.  So, I decided to bail.

Turned my 350 pound motorcycle around (not so easy on a one lane icy road).  I headed back out the way I came in.  I was just putt putting and SHAMOWZY! my bike did a 180 degree turn in an instant ending up on it's side.  I picked it up fast, like someone would see me or something.  The picture above it right after the slide and fall.My bike had been laying on it's side on the darker path beside my bike in the picture ...completely ice ...slick as something really slick.

Of course now I had to turn around again ...on ice one lane ...without dropping the bike again.  I succeeded and drove white knuckled out to the paved road.  Whew.  Every ride is an adventure and a learning experience ...I love it!
Me rock'n my new jacket!

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