Friday, December 24, 2010

Cold ...just plain cold.

It's been almost three weeks ...three weeks!  I haven't ridden my motorcycle since my slip on the ice  ...'cus I don't want to die.  It's been in the 20's every day since then.  When will this snow and ice melt?!  And, we're supposed to get more snow this afternoon.

OK, I know, a white Christmas will be nice.   I totally agree.  It's just that I feel like a kid who got the coolest gift in the world for Christmas, but he isn't allowed to play with it.  Look at it, sure.  Put a new fender on it, OK.  But ride it, NOPE.

Helmet, in the closet.  Tourmaster jacket, closet.  Motorcycle boots, closet.  Insulated coveralls, closet.  Motorcycle, shivering out in the snow.

Me, feeling like a kid who can't play with his favorite toy.

...Oh, and Merry Christmas to ya!

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