Friday, December 10, 2010

The Boots

For Christmas, I got some "dual sport" boots (Yes, I know it's not Christmas yet ...that's just how we roll around here.)  Dual Sport boots are basically motocross boots with a lug sole ...then they are called ATV or dual sport boots.  Anyway, I got me some.

I was very excited about them.  I wore them to bed the first night I had them  ...or I wanted to anyway, Ginger put her foot down on that one.  Silly girl.  She gets like that sometimes.

I did wear them around the house.  Felt like Herman Munster (too young to know Herman Munster?  ...grrr).  These things are big ole clod-hoppers.  Clunk, Clunk, Clunk, Clunk are NOT wearing those to bed!

So, today was my first chance to ride with my new motorcycle boots.  Until this point I have been wearing hiking boots  ...comfy, but I had already twisted my ankle catching my heavy bike.  These new boots are very supportive and protective - they are very cool.

Out to my bike.  Clunk, Clunk, Clunk, Clunk ...listen ...listen ...hmm, nobody here to give me a hard time!  Not that she would have.  This is their purpose after all ...apparently they are NOT sleeping boots.  Who knew.

First thing I noticed was that it was sort of different shifting gears with these clod-hoppers - especially up shifting.  But, hey, they're new to be broken in ya know.  Down the driveway and I'm off to Ellet Valley.  It does not take me long - 10 seconds maybe, that's not long - to notice that shifting was going to be an issue ...and I have cars around me.  Not full on traffic, but still - cars.

I did feel much safer and supported in the boots.  But, I felt like I was learning how to ride a motorcycle again.   Click ...ptrrrr, Click ...ptrrrrr, Click ....WHEEEEEE,  minor freak out, Click ...ptrrrrrr,  whew.

...and so it went.  I know I will get used to them.  Thousands of people ride in boots like this.  I emailed one of my friends in Atlanta that rides motocross and asked his advice.   Haven't heard back yet.  He will probably be nice, but inside he'll be thinking "Advice?  Yeah, don't be a baby!  Suck it up."  ...or maybe not, it's hard to tell.

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